It is generally wise to keep at least a few months supply of food to feed your family in case of emergency. However it is becoming increasingly popular for some families to prepare for imminent and possibly permanent disaster. These families hoard and store supplies for their families to survive anything, whether it be political riots, natural disaster, stock market crash, or zombie apocalypse. The general idea of most preppers is to store food that has an extremely long shelf life; think canned goods and/or dried foods. While many think that vegans have a hard time finding things to eat from the day to day, it may actually be easier for the vegan to store food than the non-vegan because they don’t worry about storing the highly perishable animal products. Here are some tips for the vegan prepper:
Tip Number One: Grains Galore
Grains are a food eaten since biblical times. They are a food that not only provides good carbohydrates but also a bit of vitamins and proteins. When therewase seven years famine in Egypt they ate the grains they had stored up from the seven years of plenty. Store up lots of these filling carbohydrates in a cool dry place. Don’t stop with just rice and corn. Get some barely, legumes, beans, millet, and oats from My Patriot Supply and store it away for when disaster strikes.
Tip Number Two: A Food Dehydrator
Ever heard of those carnivorous prepper friends (yes those guys) making their own jerkey? It’s because they have a dehydrator that they place their seasoned animal flesh into and in several hours, all the moisture is gone from it leaving behind the jerkey. Those machines are not just for meat. Put in some favorite fruits and store it in glass jars for a sweet fruity snack. Fruit is an important staple to a vegan’s diet. Don’t plan on going without it when the trouble hits the fan.
Tip Number Three: Nutritional Yeast
Many people following the vegetarian and/or vegan lifestyle have a hard time getting enough Vitamin B. They often rely on supplements. Although many supplements have a fairly adequate shelf life for prepping, nutritional yeast is a much more fun, flavorful, and versatile way of getting enough Vitamin B. In addition to Vitamin B, nutritional yeast is a source of protein and other nutrients that do a great job at balancing out the vegan’s diet.
Tip Number Four: Seeds and Skills
When society falls into chaos, those who have survival skills will be the ones on top. Become familiar with greenhouse technology and stock up on the seeds of all the favorite foods and maybe some flowers as well. Fresh produce will become a delicacy and those who have it may be distinguished as the new royalty.
Prepare for the apocalypse without giving up dietary preferences or moral values. Live vegan and cohabitate with all of earth’s living creatures before a disaster and after.